Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Two Mistakes I Made in Penang, Part I

The first mistake I made needs no words, really. The photo should adequately describe how big of a mistake it was.

I had seen "cuttlefish" advertised everywhere and had made a mental note to try it. I had no idea what it looked like or what it was but I was feeling adventurous on this trip. I had already eaten full meals off the side of the street that I paid fifty cents for, selected solely by "pointing"... along with grasshopper, a grub, and plenty of nondescript meat.

I saw this creature with its "Cuttlefish" sign next to it, took a deep breath and ordered.

Mistake mistake mistake. They tried to disguise its flavor with the sauce but the sauce was atrocious.

And the texture... well, just use your imagination as there are no words.

It gets the big stamp:


1 comment:

  1. I don't know, it just looks like a squid. So it is kinda slimy in texture?
